“Discipleship is a lifestyle of building relationships, connecting with people, and speaking truth. We grow these relationships towards Christ. As people begin to see we care about them and they begin to desire truth, they press in towards hearing more about God and seeing how we live.”
From our post: “Job’s Depression and My Story”
“In God’s sovereignty and at God’s appointment, God chose a man who ‘feared God and stayed away from evil’ to walk through a deep, dark, horrific depression. I believe that the book of Job reveals through Job’s thoughts, beliefs, and actions at the time, that he was facing depression…God used this trying time in Job’s life to draw Job into a closer walk with Himself. Our God is not a punisher. We must see God as one who has open arms and is always drawing us to Himself, deeper and richer…God is asking you and me [through Job] ‘Am I enough?'”
From our post: “Jonah’s Counsel from God.”
“God is in the process of counseling the prophet Jonah. Yes, in a certain way, we get to sit in on a counseling session between God and Jonah. Although the session or sessions come to an end quickly for us, we still get insight into God’s heart and Jonah’s heart. And that is the core of biblical counseling, bringing man and God together in such a way that man is faced with truth about God and truth about his own heart. The result depends on man’s response to what he sees and hears about God and what God wants of man.”